Grand Theft Auto: IV Part II: Thoughts From the Mind of Ross

So you’ve probably seen the trailer for Grand Theft Auto: IV by now (if not, don’t fret – I’ve included it in this post). I and millions of other gamers across the land of the internet have been eagerly awaiting this trailer for awhile now. In fact, for me, it was my most anticipated game trailer of all time. So did it live up to the hype?
Well, to be honest, I was a bit let down. Although New York City is a fantastic location and should make a very interesting playground for the next GTA, part of the fun of playing a new Grand Theft Auto game is to experience a new location (that is why the mediocre ‘Stories’ side games didn’t intrigue me at all). Also, the game play found in the 3D Grand Theft Auto games were fine for last generation, but they’re beyond outdated now (True Crime: New York City had a far superior combat system – let’s hope Rockstar “borrows” some key elements from that superb title…). And while the visuals certainly looked snazzy in the trailer, those were just mere cinematic – how will Grand Theft Auto IV look on my HD-TV when I’m actually playing it?
Still, not all was bad. Although I’ve mentioned that the game play was outdated in past titles, you’d have to be very foolish to assume Rockstar would just rest on their laurels and give us the same ol’ antiquated combat and aiming systems from years ago. Also, maybe this whole realistic
The trailer
Labels: Grand Theft Auto, GTA, GTA: IV, Preview, PS3, Rockstar Games, Xbox 360
Must agree, that this wasn't the most exciting GTA thingy to ever hit the internets. Then again, NY is always beautiful... BTW, never knew you were from Russia, you lucky, lucky ross...
First time viewing this, graphics are nothing to be upset about, though they could have given a bit more away....
Given a bit more away elderly? That's never how Rockstar works :-)
Actually, Gnome, I'm not from Russia, I'm just of Russian heritage. My ancestors were from Russia though :-)
We'll see how the actual game play looks when Rockstar releases some actual game footage, Elderly...
And welcome to my blog, Tom!
Thanks for commenting all! I appreciate feedback.
We appreciate the posts :)
Gnomes just trying to get something ;-)
Ross, good to be here!
Well for what they showed it looked pretty darn good (graphic wise) compared to the others... better than what I thought it would be anyway..
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