The Long Awaited GTA: IV Trailer Will Be Soon Upon Us...

Ah, the Grand Theft Auto series. Whether you’re a hardcore gamer, concerned parent, or irrational politician, , you know about it. Hell, unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few years you don’t have to fit in one of the three mentioned categories to be all knowing of this revolutionary series. Praised for it’s open-ended game play, entertaining story-lines and characters, and mature-themes (for which it’s also criticized in the news media for), Grand Theft Auto was last generation’s utmost force in gaming.
Now, in just a few short hours, we’ll finally catch a glimpse of Grand Theft Auto: IV, which will be hitting the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 this October. The setting, characters, look and everything else will be unveiled soon. Rockstar was very clever in setting this whole thing up… making us wait all this time for a mere trailer. Well, I’ll update this post later when the trailer is finally unveiled to the public, and until then, these next few hours are going to pass by slower than geometry class did back in high school.
Labels: Action, Grand Theft Auto, GTA, PS3, Rockstar Games, Trailers, Xbox 360
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