Custom Consoles: Why Not Let Your Console Stand Out?
Sure, game consoles usually look great and are well-thought out in design (let’s just forget about some of those forgotten “classic” console mishaps and the original Xbox, shall we?) but if you’re ultimately not satisfied with how your shiny new console looks, you can either put a whole bunch of work into it and make it look unique, or just pay an outrageous sum of money on eBay for some schmo to do it for you! Here are some custom console designs found through the listings of eBay, and even an Xbox 360 prototype as well (have you ever wondered what a 360 would look like if it was black? Well, wonder no longer, you curious bean). Enjoy.
That's one swanky looking Wii, eh? You can bid on this custom-made Wii here. The current bid for this one-of-a-kind Wii is over $1,000! Hey, it's worth shelling out a thousand bucks to impress your relatives and make your friends jealous, right?
This prototype Xbox 360 is quite cool looking as well. Although the beautiful whi
te current Xbox 360 was a nice change of pace from the standard black console, I wouldn't mind if this was the one originally released at retail. There are actually rumors of a fresh new black Xbox 360 hitting retail sometime before the summer - as always, I'll keep ya posted on that...
White PS2: How classy!
Wait, so maybe the original Xbox isn't so ugly after all! This green Xbox, known as the 'Halo Xbox' (because it came packed in with a copy of Halo) was sold at retail for a limited time. Now the only way to purchase this stylish Xbox is off- you gussed it- eBay.
Labels: Custom consoles, eBay, Playstation 2, PS2, Wii, Xbox 360
Great post and an impressively non hideous Xbox too, but really, when will they start incorporating ashtrays on them consoles?
I don't know, Gnome, but you do know that the center of the original Xbox (the circle that says Xbox on it) is a cup holder, don't you?
..excellent overview, makes me yearn for wii.... though the xbox center piece is actually a beer can holder and may react erratically to beverages.....
Hmmm, yes, see the point ross. Guess that's something, then.
That is a pretty nice looking Wii, all Zelda style! The White PS2 however wouldn't have been my taste, and that green XBOX.....well let's just say it made the original XBOX look sexy!
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