And the Award for Most Rehashed and Least Improved Game Goes To...

So what could it be then? Well, none other than Koei's Dynasty Warriors series. Since its original release this mediocre and highly-repetitive action series has seen a staggering 32 releases (if you count the offshoots like Samurai Warriors and such, which share the same exact game play as the Dynasty Warriors titles. The Dynasty Tactics releases were not included because the game play is unique from the action versions). That comes out to nearly four new Dynasty Warriors games released per year with little innovation (if any) from title to title.
However, someone must be eating these titles up. Despite the Warriors series typically being a one-trick pony, the releases of these games seem to have no end in sight. Koei already has Dynasty Warriors 7 and Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 in the works, as well as a few other titles for the series. However, it seems like Koei has built up a cult audience. While the Warriors games aren't in the same league as something like Grand Theft Auto in terms of sales, I'm sure each new release sells a decent enough amount to churn a profit for Koei. And I hear that these games are quite popular in Japan... so much for Western gamers being stereotyped as the only ones with poor taste in games...
Labels: dynasty warriors, koei, rehash
All I can't guarantee you dear Ross is I've not been one of them weird punters keeping the Dynasty Warriors franchise alive.
LOL! Me too a little bit... I have not yet purchased the newest one on the 360/PS3- I think it's 6 or something... but they make for a fun hack n slash with my son on some co-op play.. :)
How about 2017 Earth Defense Force.. Another one that really surprised me!
It feels like they are doing almost nothing to improve the Dynasty Warrior games. I know they could do better if they tried to make an effort.
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Hey everyone! I haven't checked out Blogger in about a week so I have some comment catching up to do...
Gnome, I am happy to hear that. Let's try to keep it that way...
Deitrix, have you checked out every single release though? There's quite an extensive list... and most of them are very similar. I never gave Earth Defense Force 2017 a try, but the amazingly generic cover makes me want to.
Funnyman, I would have to agree. I guess they'll start to innovate if the sales ever decline.
Free Games, if you're still interested in doing a link exchange then please let me know.
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