Saturday, December 27, 2008

Kakuto Chojin and the Banned Game Blues

Does the name ‘Kakuto Chojin’ ring a bell? No? A forgettable, banned, dereritive 3D Xbox fighter doesn’t come to mind? Wait, forgettable… oh, that’s it. If not for its questionable content that led Microsoft to take Kakuto Chojin (pronounced cock-toe-choe-gin…yes, really) store shelves, we wouldn’t even be bringing this laughable 2002 fighter up today.

So, why was this third-rate Tekken clone banned from retail stores? Was it because of the generic character designs? The lifeless stages? The overly shiny, unrealistic visuals? Nope, none of that – a controversial religious chant found in Kakuto Chojin was the reason Microsoft rushed to rid this title off of every game store shelf a few months after it was released. Kakuto Chojin featured a level with a background sound effect featuring a passage from the Quran being repeated over and over.

Due to generally poor reception and inadequate original sales, Kaktuo Chojin was never re-released back onto the market. All copies of this game were ordered to be destroyed or returned to Microsoft. Despite being an extremely rare find in the B&M market outside of flea markets, Kakuto Chojin is readily available online for under $5 on auction sites like Amazon. Not even game collectors want anything to do with what is one of the bottom-tier fighters of the last generation, despite its cancellation and limited print run.

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At 1:20 PM, Blogger The Sports Satirist said...

The pronunciation had me laughing for the longest time.

At 7:04 PM, Blogger Ross said...

Yeah, I own this game and when you get to the start up screen the announcer says the title. That's probably the best thing about Kakuto Chojin.

At 5:16 AM, Blogger gnome said...

A truly interesting story, showing how oversensitive things can get. I mean, apparently shitty design decisions aside, who'd be offended by a Quran verse?

At 12:32 PM, Blogger The Sports Satirist said...

I don't see why anyone would be offended by verses of the Qur’an in a game. It sounds bizarre to me.

At 2:05 PM, Blogger Ross said...

Microsoft has also deleted all records of this game from their logs. It's almost as if they want to pretend Kakuto Chojin was never released.

At 3:55 PM, Blogger gnome said...

Truly bizarre...

At 5:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

best fighting game ever mad hands down! 4 player fighting what other game has that the answer NONE! best game ever if u dissagree u clearly never played it with 3 other people

At 11:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a fun game! Im playing it now! Thats why I looked it up. I had reached the stage where you hear the chant and I just wanted to know what it had said. Shadow is the man! Love this game glad to have such an unwanted gem! :D

At 3:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is the very first xbox game i ever played, and i love it. i am glad this it's in my xbox game collection.


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