Game Ads Guaranteed to Win Your Attention
Regardless of how dull or worthless the actual product displayed may be, a controversial, eye-catching ad will always win your attention. Many game publishers have used this age-old technique over the years, often for lackluster titles that, without an “edgy” ad with shock-value (often depicting violence and sex), you would have just flipped right past. Here are three ads that you’ll definitely garner more attention to than the typical, generic gaming advertisements commonly found in magazines.
Daikatana (PC, Nintendo 64)
This was a highly over hyped and severely disappointing shooter. Produced by John Romero (lead producer of such legendary first-person shooters like Doom, Wolfenstein 3D, and Quake), Daikatana had a troubled development life and was universally panned by critics.
Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix (PSX)
All right, so Fear Effect 2's supposed to be pretty damn good. Unfortunately, more people seemed to be talking about the controversial lesbian ads around the time of release than the game itself. Notice that this ad features absolutely no game play screen shots - who needs 'em anyway?
Spawn: the Eternal (PSX)

Spawn titles have had a history of failing to live up to their source material, and The Eternal is no exception. Just forget about this horrendous action title and lookit that bloody arm! This advertisement is most likely the only memorable quality about this otherwise unworthy product.
Labels: ads, controversy, Daikatana, Fear Effect 2, N64, PC, PSX, Spawn