The Top-Selling Titles of the Past Year: Did Your Favorite Make the List?

1. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
2. Halo 3
3. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
4. FIFA Soccer 08
5. Madden NFL 08
6. Need for Speed: ProStreet
7. Pokemon Diamond/Pearl
8. Assassin’s Creed
9. Super Mario Galaxy
10. Brain Age 2: More Brain Training in Minutes a Day
Notes of interest:
-If you would had told people last year that Call of Duty 4 would outsell Microsoft's chief juggernaut, Halo 3, then they would have possibly called out the men in white coats to take you away. However, that very thing happened over the past year... Considering that Call of Duty 4 appears to have more online players and an overall higher percentage of satisfied customers, this should come to no surprise to gamers who have been following these two heavyweights lately.
- An enormous amount of rubbish has sold this year, often beating out quality titles that deserve high sales. Wait, you mean the abominable Imagine: Fashion Designer outsold such well-received titles like Ratchet & Clank: Future Tools of Destruction, Heavenly Sword, and Burnout Paradise? Yup, it's true.
- This list accounts both Europe and North America. With that in mind, the reason titles such as Fifa 08 and The Simpson's Game had such remarkable sales are due to Europe, whose purchases account for the vast majority of the sales for those titles.
- Assassin's Creed is the only original IP to crack the top ten.
Take a look at the entire list for yourself here.
Labels: Top selling games
"Imagine: Fashion Designer outsold such well-received titles like Ratchet & Clank: Future Tools of Destruction, Heavenly Sword, and Burnout Paradise."
What kind of ludicrousness is this? Tools of Destruction was one hell of a platform game (my personal favorite). Burnout Paradise is still fun to play. Although Heavenly Sword was shorter than my last sexual encounter, Nariko is a hot piece of ass in that game.
Nice to see COD4 knocked off Halo 3..!!
Pat on the back for Assassin's Creed making the top 10 as well.
Are these sales only in the USA?
I had a feeling that USA was involved because Madden was on the list.
And of course, Europe for Fifa. Funnyman, we know which is really soccer and which is really football, however (unlike them) ;-)
Actually a lot of people say CoD4 is a better game then Halo3. The hype of Halo makes little kids/preteens want the game. This of course clogs the servers with immature people. While CoD4 on the other hand I think has a more mature gamers. Just my opinion.
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