Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorny Gets a Well-Deserved Re-Print

Anyone who previously wanted to snatch up a copy of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, one of the most innovative, well-written DS titles available previously had to either check every game store in town (most often coming up short and without a copy than not) or be forced to pay a ridiculous price on an online auction site such as eBay or Amazon. This game, due to a short print run and high demand, was eventually testing the nerves of anyone who wanted to play a top-notch title for a decent price.
All of that has changed, however, as Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney has been reprinted and is available for the masses to enjoy before the highly anticipated sequel hits U.S. shores next year. I give Phoenix Wright my personal two thumbs up, and urge everyone to give this original, quirky game a try.
Other recently reprinted titles include:

Rez (PS2)
Gitaroo Man (PS2)
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment (PSX)
Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure (PSX)
Don’t be fooled into paying top-dollar for one of these games, as its now quite easy to obtain any of these releases.
Thats good news for all DS owners!
What they really need to reprint is Suikoden I and II for the PSX those games are going for waaay too much money on ebay. The second one often exceeding a hundred dollars.
I would kill to play those games again. But paying around 200 dollars for both of them just doesn't sit well with my concsious.
And great news for adventure-obsessed soon to be DS Lite owners!
Suikoden i and ii may be coming to psp
see logo on
Ace Attorney and Suikoden ar good reasons to invest in a handheld, but where am i going to find the time to play them, it's all i can do to wrestle myself away from consoles to watch the World cup.
The psp version of suikoden i and ii were released in a combo pack last February in Japan, no word of a western release date yet.
I was aware of the PSP port of them. I'd just lost hope in them ever being released.
see your point wedge, theres blip! about a release date.
Kudos to Capcom. It's always awesome to hear about good games being re-printed.
By the way, wasn't Cubivore (GCN) re-printed as well?
Yes, that has also received a reprint.
I'm pretty sure a few others previously difficult to find games have also received reprints.
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