God of War to Get the 'Greatest Hits' Treatment

God of War, one of the most highly acclaimed games available for the Playstation 2, will be getting the ‘Greatest Hits’ treatment by mid-April.
This has been one of the most well-received Playstation 2 games both critically and by players, and I have always wanted to give it a try as I’ve heard nothing but good things about it. From what I’ve seen it looks incredible, and for a mere twenty dollars I’ll be glad to finally pick it up and give it a try.
Now when will Sony finally drop some of their other first-party titles from last year in price (such as the best-selling racing simulation Gran Turismo 4)? It’s certainly been a long enough wait, and I never pay full price for videogames (as I like my stuff cheap).
Ha!! Nothing important to say, but commenting before the rest! Yes! Aha!
Cheers ross
I'm totally for the drop in price and launching of budget labels for games (Platinum on PSX, Player's Choice on N64, Classics on Xbox etc)...but why do they have to put all those new designs on the boxes and stuff? It just makes them look odd - like the regular N64 boxes had a black border...but the Player's Choice ones had big ass silver boarders so they looked like cheapo variations. I know it's the same game, but it sort of detracts something (in my mind) when it's the 'value' version you're getting. Maybe it's just me, but I always try to avoid buying 2nd hand games that are the 'budget' version and look for the copies with the original box.
Well I really dont care about the extra labels too much, even though they do look out of place. If I can I get the original packaging though.
Gran Turismo 4 is going to be a GH soon too. I saw a flash ad that promoted both games going GH when I logged onto myspace today.
I don't mind GH labels either, but I hope the companies make better looking ones in the next-gen. The Microsoft Platinum Hits look MUCH better than the red PS2 GH bar or the yellow Player's Choice bar for the Gamecube. Microsoft seemed to be the only company that said "hey, let's make these look good."
Also, I've noticed that Destroy All Humans! has dropped to $20 almost everywhere as well. I wouldn't be surprised to see that become a GH soon too.
I left out that I just picked up God Of War, and I've gotta say, people weren't kidding when they said this was one of the best games of 2005!
Oh how I wish I had a current console! The DC is great (and a true testiment that I, with my Marc Ecko boots, am keeping it real), but I may have to invest in another Xbox in a few weeks methinks...
Why don't you wait for the new Nintendo and Sony offerings?
I saw a Destroy All Humans with the new Platinum Hits logo at Best Buy about two weeks ago, and its $20 on PS2 everywhere too.
Well its official now... I saw a commercial advertising the new prices.
Gnome - I'm not too keen on what I've seen on the new consoles. The Revolution will probably be another GC style flop and the PS3 will no doubt be home to a continuation of every franchise currently on the PS2 but with better graphics. Yawn. I'm very interested in getting hold of a Gamepark 32 tho...
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