HD-DVD: Stick a Fork in It, 'Cause It's Done...

Microsoft has finally announced that they will no longer be producing the HD-DVD add-on for the Xbox 360. Due to poor sales and the declining support of the HD-DVD format (and the simple fact that it's sole rival, Blu-Ray, is doing tremendously better in the marketplace), you will no longer be able to purchase this failed add-on.
I think that the vast majority of people following the Blu-Ray vs HD-DVD war saw this news coming. HD-DVD has continued to struggle, and with most major movie companies supporting Blu-ray exclusively, this should have truly come at no surprise.
Still, I'll continue to use my good ol' fashioned DVD discs - I'm perfectly content with viewing films that way. Who wants to see all of the hyper-detailed effects anyway - such as the pimples on actor's faces?
No surprises there.
Quite good news really, though I'm definitely not switching from DVDs yet either. Probably HD_DVD drives with tons of movies bundles should be hitting bargain bins soon. Nice.
HD-DVD drives for the 360 now sell for a paltry $49.99 at most major retail chains here in the U.S. - and that includes the deal where you get five free HD-DVDs by mail as well!
I don't even know what the hell the difference is between HD and Blue Ray. I remember the sex being the same in the movie 300 HD (at my friends house). Then, I saw the sex again from the movie 300 on my PS3 but didn't notice a difference.
I was just about to grab one of these for Christmas last year...
Sooo glad I held out. Heck, grabbing this along with movies from the bargin bin doesn't sound too bad.
Theres a lot of HD movies out there.
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