Japan and Their Top 50 Favorite 360 Games

Although the Xbox 360 is faring better than most other
02. Dead or Alive 4 - 108,618
03. Ace Combat 6 - 83,045
04. Halo 3 - 82,987
05. Ridge Racer 6 - 73,501
06. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - 72,274
07. Trusty Bell - 70,244
08. Gears of War - 68,270
09. Dead Rising - 68,078
10. Lost Planet - 61,555
11. DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 2 60544
12. Lost Odyssey - 60,376
13. Idolm@ster - 48,695
14. Dynasty Warriors 6 - 44,292
15. Assasin's Creed - 41,436
16. Ninetynine Nights - 38,019
17. Forza Motorsports - 2 31,255
18. Rumble Roses XX - 29,187
19. Crackdown - 28,588
20. Culdcept Saga - 27,960
21. Earth Defense Force 3 - 27,087
22. Perfect Dark Zero - 26,085
23. Test Drive Unlimited - 25,788
24. PGR3 - 25,058
25. Beautiful Katamari - 24,186
26. World Soccer Winning Eleven X - 21,904
27. Armored Core 4 - 21,096
28. Dead Rising (Xbox 360 Platinum Collection) - 20,325 (total sales 88,313)
29. [eM] eNCHANT arM - 20,233
30. Saint's Row - 18,593
31. Rainbow Six Vegas - 18,592
32. Oneechanbara vorteX - 18,443
33. Need for Speed Most Wanted - 17,973
34. Bulletwitch - 16,241
35. Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 - 15,994
36. PlayOnline/Final Fantasy XI All-in-One Pack 2006 - 15,754
37. World Soccer Winning Eleven 2008 - 15,090
38. Idolm@ster (Xbox 360 Platinum Collection) - 14,864 (total sales 63,559)
39. Earth Defense Force 3 (Xbox 360 Platinum Collection) - 14,707 (total sales 41,794)
40. Final Fantasy XI Wings of the Goddess Expansion - 14,412
41. Call of Duty 3 - 14,194
42. Virtua Fighter 5 Live Arena - 13,169
43. Chrome Hounds - 13,110
44. Tenchu Z - 12,974
45. Project Sylpheed - 12,283
46. PGR 4 - 12,237
47. Viva Pinata - 12,184
48. Godfather - 11,670
49. Dynasty Warriors 5 Special - 10,957
50. Bulletwitch (Xbox360 Platinum Collection) - 10,857
Labels: Blue Dragon, Japan, Microsoft, Xbox 360
What the hell? I never even knew you could find an Xbox 360 in Japan.
Don't Japanese Gamers know high quality games when they see them? BioShock, Mass Effect, and Halo 3 should have been in the top 3. I don't even understand how Lost Odyssey made the list when that game is not slated to come out until 2008.
Looking at the current trend for console sales, the poor performance of the PS3 and the fact that Microsoft are not too shabby in their marketing strategies, that eventually the 360will dominate Japan.
Besides, the 360 is a much lovelier looking console than that big old ugly Xbox...
Halo 3, Blue Dragon, Bioshock (maybe Resident Evil 5) will convince Japanese gamers that if they're looking for something outside of the family friendly Wii experience, the 360 is a better option to go for...
I don't see Japan ever embracing the 360 if there continues to be shooters. The 360 needs more RPG-like Final Fantasy and platform games to be successful in Japan. Lost Odyssey is a nice start, but the 360 must have more games like that to be a success in Japan. If Japan doesn't accept the 360, then it is a shame because it is a great console.
The thing is, Japan doesn't go for Halo-type games.
And Lost Odyssey has already been released in Japan. Considering it only came out in December, those are somewhat impressive sales numbers. More of these types of games (Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, etc.) would definitely help the 360 in Japan.
Japan is lucky they get to play Lost Odyssey before USA gamers. I am jealous. Anything and everything with a "Final Fantasy" label sells incredibly well in Japan. Unfortunately for Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony own the rights to Final Fantasy games. There is still hope for the 360 in Japan if there are high quality platform and RPG's.
Nintendo and Sony don't own the rights to Final Fantasy games, no one except Square Enix does. That's why you see Final Fantasy XI and its expansions on the 360. Lack of interest in the Xbox brand (in Japan) has just made the company weary of bringing a traditional entry of their largest property onto the console.
Expansions are expansions. I am talking about the countless Final Fantasy games on the DS and upcoming games on the PS3.
Anybody notice that Blue Dragon sold almost _twice_ as many copies as the #2 game? Damn.
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