Pro-Gamer: The One Year Anniversary

One year ago on this day (actually, this celebration is roughly one day late, but do 24 mere hours really make that much of a difference?) was when I created this humble blog and created my first post.
Now, one year later there have been a staggering 84 posts in the hole, lots of replies, and mountains of spam, but sadly, no money has been made off of this. I really just write this blog because I enjoy it, and writing is one of my favorite hobbies, so it all works out even without some dough (though that would certainly help, hehe). I’ve also recently created a little-known, separate blog that showcases my music interests. Although the content on it is a bit scarse at this point, I plan on doing more with it in the future. It’s called PG Music Reviews – check it out.
Here are my most note-worthy posts, chosen on a month by month basis.
January 2006 - Square Enix Publishing Grandia III Could be Either a Good Thing or a Bad Thing
February 2006 - Shamefully Bad Game Boxart of the Moment
March 2006 - Does Apple Got Game? iThink Not!April 2006 - The Legend of Zelda: Doodle Dungeons Will Be a Possible Revolution Launch Title
May 2006 - Can the Playstation 3 Sell on Brand Name Alone?
June 2006 - Bootleg DS Carts Hit the Market
July 2006 -This was a rather hollow month for Pro-Gamer, as I went on vacation and nothing was posted. There was tons of spam when I returned, however…. that’s always a sign that thing’s rarely change, and Ross would return next month, better than ever!
August 2006 -Five Reasons Not to Upgrade to a Next-Gen Console
September 2006 - Final Fantasy VII: "Expanding"?
October 2006 - Sonic DS: A Canned Part of the Past or a Sign of the Future?
November 2006 - Wii Launch Madness
December 2006 - PSX: The Games You Missed
Top 5 reviews, based on rankings, high to low:

2. (tie) Street Fighter Anniversary Collection - PS2 - 9.0 out of 10

4. Polarium - DS - 7.8 out of 10

5. Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams - PSX - 5.8 (out of 10)
And, finally, a special thanks to all of those who have supported Pro-Gamer in the past year, especially Rose (aka BuckieBuck90), Wedge14, Gnome, the Elderly, gamerC, Ender (what the hell happened to him?), deitrix, fatherkrishna, Gnade, Son_et_lumiere, DigitalSpace, Scrubking, tomleecee, 1modernboy, psyclerk, J, Josh Miller, el Moco, Ben, and anyone else who has supported, read, or commented on this blog, thanks!
Let's make this another good year for Pro-Gamer, and make sure to check out the other blogs meantioned in the 'links' section of this blog. Wooh... This was an exhausting post... I'm out! As always, expect another update soon...
One year huh? Amazing how time flies really... Anyway. Happy blog anniversary, keep it up and may your blog make you a rich gaming ross!
Damn a whole year. Nice job with that. Good recent posts too, like the PS1 games that you may have missed. With my PS3 beings backwards compatible I still try to find old games on the cheap. Good luck to you in the new year.
A whole year of blogging brilliance!
Congratulations mate! Here's to many more, something tells me its only the start!
Well done Ross! Keep up the good work!
Congratulations on the year Ross, its a pleasure to visit a source of inspirational well researched and original posts.
heres to the year ahead....
Wow a year?? Congratz!! Yeah hopefull i don't fall off the edge of the world again lol
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