(Mostly Horrendous) Wii Game Box Art Revealed

Just a little over a month and a half and we’ll finally be able to get our scrubby little paws on Nintendo’s highly anticipated new console, Wii. I already have mine pre-ordered and will be getting it on launch along with some fresh new games for it. What will some of the Wii cover arts for some of my choices of release look like, though? Well, to be brutally honest, abominable (except for the Zelda Twilight Princess box art, which is the only half decent-looking cover out of the bunch). While they may not be worthy of falling under my famous ‘Shamefully Bad Game Box Art of the Moment’ series, they’re still pretty horrendous looking, especially for games that will be sold alongside Nintendo’s shiny, slick new console. Well, enough of my yapping…. take a look some of the Wii box art, read my opinions on each one, and well… pretend you never saw any of this or wonder what the hell was going through minds of the marketing teams who designed these pieces of filth.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess box art is very nice-looking, and looks to fit the “feel” of the game like a glove. Though with a little more work it could look beautiful, it is definitely the most exquisite looking box art of the bunch.
Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam
Now this is where the “horrendous” part of the line-up comes in…. If the box art for Tony Hawk’s Downhill Jam is to judge, then it will be a corny, kiddy skateboard romp that no one will want to touch because of how atrocious looking the cover is. Activision…. I know you’re trying to make it into my ‘Shamefully Awful Box Art of the Moment’ section, but it’s not really “good” enough for that… revise this cover, please.
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz
If you’re planning on buying Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz, make sure to bring your little cousin or brother with you to the store… otherwise, what other excuse would you have to buy purchasing a video game with cover art like this?
You could slap a monkey on anything, and people will buy it. I don't need to back the statement up with proof or knowledge.
yea, that tony Hawk box is hideous.
Well, the Zelda cover is all ace I believe...
Great post, by the way.
(carefully steps over monkey poop, touchs Zelda box Art) nice!!!!!
I agree the Zelda is ace!! The rest suck...
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