Well, you’ve probably noticed that despite the fact that I’m running a gaming blog, I haven’t done any real coverage of this year’s E3. And no, I’m not going to do anything in-depth…. You’ve probably read all you needed from another source Add to the fact that I’m not anywhere near Los Angeles at the moment (or during E3 the past few days) and I’m not considering taking a plane there any time soon (if ever in my life), you’re definitely going to have late coverage after everyone else has already said all that’s needed to be said. However, that doesn’t mean I’ve completely cut back on the most important gaming event of the year. Here is an overview of some of the most interesting, important, or (cough) lame games that have been announced at this year’s E3:
Nintendo DS:Dragon Quest Heroes – An oddball offshoot of Japan’s most popular role-playing series, Dragon Quest.

Yoshi’s Island 2: - Yep, a sequel to the SNES classic is coming straight to the Nintendo DS. Nintendo’s really going to have to put tons of effort and heart into this one to satisfy fans sky-high expectations. The graphical-style is looking as unique and fresh as the original did. Let’s hope the game play will match it as well.
Mario Hoops: 3 on 3 – The title is really self-explanatory – you’ve got Mario and pals playing three-on-three basketball. The game will make heavy use of the unique touch-screen abilities, as virtually anything in the game can be done by using the bottom portion of the DS. It’s really just unfortunate they didn’t call it ‘Mario Hoopz 3 on 3’ – then it’d be hardcore! Oh, wait, Midway’s forgotten arcade-basketball atrocity NBA Hoopz did that five years ago…. *shudder*
Tony Hawk’s Downhill Jam – Don’t expect mission-based game play here as in previous Tony Hawk games – this is racing on skateboards. Straying from the original formula may actually help this series as the past few Hawk games (not counting 2003’s incredible ‘Underground’) have really been sliding ‘downhill’ (pun intended).
Mega Man ZX – Another day, another Mega Man title. Who’s surprised by the announcement of this?

Phoenix Wright: Justice For All – Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is currently my favorite DS game available. The game is unique and incredibly enjoyable to play, and we rarely see games like this released on our shores. Fortunately, Capcom’s giving the lawyer game another go as they’re going to be releasing the follow up to Ace Attorney. Titled ‘Justice For All’, I cant wait to see how wacky the story line will be this time. Hopefully
the characters and story will be just as great as they were in the superb original.
Playstation 2:Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories – The follow up to 2003 cult favorite ‘Disgaea: Hour of Darkness’ is coming our way, courtesy of Atlus.
Yakuza – If a name means anything, then this game has something to do with ‘Japanese gangsters’ (which is what Yakuza means). The info I’ve picked up on this game has to do with the title’s definition as well. What a strange world we live in.

Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII - Dirge Of Cerberus is most definitely not your typical Final Fantasy game. Guns (gasp!) and pure-action will replace boring turn-based battles and anything to do with role-playing in general.
Jackass: The Game – Yes, a game based on the crazy antics of Johnny Knoxville and co.
God of War 2 – Greek Mythology and action games collide one again in the follow up to 2005’s highly acclaimed action title.
Xbox:Nothing really worth noting … The original Xbox might as well be considered dead. Fortunately there arelots of quality, older release to play, but Microsoft has definitely moved on to larger things as the future is devoid of any big-title releases.
Tomb Raider Legend – After years of me-too, uninspired Tomb Raider rehashes showing up every few months they finally got it right with Legend. After selling like hot cakes on Playstation 2 and Xbox, Eidos decided they’re going to bring this mega-hit to the Gamecube as well.
Xbox 360:Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Double Agent – It’s another Splinter Cell… ‘nuff said.
Shadowrun – When I think of Shadowrun, Hideo Kojima’s (supposedly) amazing but underplayed RPG* comes to mind for me. However, this Xbox 360 game of the same name has little (if anything) to actually do with the “prequel”. It’s a first person shooter with a sci-fi theme. Xbox 360 and PC players with get to battle each other online through the same server and see which system’s players reign supreme above all.
*As noted by Psyclerk, I was actually thinking of Snatcher... Thanks for the correction, Psyclerk.
Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball 2 – Also known as: “Watch Hot Chicks In High-Res Graphics Simulator 2”.

Bioshock – I doubt many of you reading this actually played System Shock’s 1 and 2 for the PC (I haven’t either). Well, now we can catch up on the series and see what all the fuss is about when this spooky, open-ended, monster of a game hits the Xbox 360 this year.
Saint’s Row – Saint’s Row features guns and gangsters in an urban setting… again.
Too Human – Too Human is by far the best looking Xbox 360 game of this year’s E3. This one’s definitely captured my attention.
Indiana Jones 2 – Too many people overlooked 2003’s excellent Indiana Jones: The Emperor’s Tome (Xbox, PC, PS2) and went for the over hyped mess that was Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness instead. Hopefully this game will capture the adventure and intensity of Indiana Jones just as well as the original game (and the films) did.
Playstation 3:Tekken 6 – I lost interest in the Tekken series years ago as each sequel took mere baby steps forward instead of truly raising the bar. However, visually (if the screens are actual game play footage) Tekken 6 looks outstanding.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion – Well, don’t get too excited yet. Oblivion hasn’t been officially confirmed for Playstation 3, but there is a massive rumor going around that it’ll show up for Sony’s third console sooner or later….
Sega Rally – No screens or much info have been released to the public yet, but Tomlecee (a frequent reader of Pro-Gamer and hardcore Sega fan) is probably incredibly excited nonetheless.
Wii:Wario Ware – I haven’t been disappointed with any of the wacky and enjoyable Wario Ware titles on GBA and DS yet, so its safe to say that I’m very excited about Wario Ware on the Wii.
Metroid Prime 3 – After two huge hits on the Gamecube a third follow up was only bound to happen.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl – Nintendo fanboys and those who just love a terrific multiplayer game, rejoice!

One Piece: Unlimited Adventure – Although I enjoyed the One Piece manga books very much, the television show failed to truly capture my attention. Maybe this interesting-looking adventure game will help regain it...
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess – A version of this title (which looks utterly amazing, by the way) is also coming to Nintendo’s Wii.
Trauma Center: Second Opinion – Similar to nothing on this entire list.