Wait, is that Mega Man holding a 360 controller?
Any hardcore gaming fan knows the name ‘Capcom’. A game company known throughout history for putting out quality, top-notch software (and the best fighting games the genre has to offer as well), they have always been a multi-platform developer who has supported all consoles. However, this may possibly end soon. Although it’s currently just a mere rumor, there is talk of Microsoft purchasing the mega-publisher/developer.
It’ll be interesting to see if either Microsoft or Capcom comments on this subject. Acquiring Capcom would only make Bill’s already incredible successful platform even more popular (with such exclusive titles from popular series such as Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Mega Man, Street Fighter, etc. persuading those who have yet to take the next-gen plunge to purchase one of the shiny white systems). Also, this would also give the Xbox 360 a more appealing image in the Asian market who traditionally stay far away from Western consoles. Now Capcom, give Mega Man a break for a bit and give us hardcore fans what we really want: Street Fighter IV.
Hopefully not... What a disturbing idea...
This rumour has now been crushed. So it isn't so. *Phew!*
I remember when the whole Nintendo buying Capcom rumour was making the rounds a couple of years ago and alotta fans were hoping it was true! *lol* Me being one of them.
Capcom are always in financial shit (I have no idea how!) They would not benefit from doing a "Rareware".
thank god that's squashed, so glad, ressie is safe....
Capcom...owned by Microsoft... *shudder!*
Thank the Lord it aint so...
will be interested to know what you think of the latest Capcom release Lost Planet...
I've played it on a demo stand in Gamestation and it looks lovely...
You mentioned Microsoft owning Capcom which saddened me. Then talk of Streetfighter 4. Way to tug on my heart strings.
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