Role-Playing Game Starring Sonic the Hedgehog in the Works

Chalk this up as something new, folks. No, this is not an early April fool's joke - Bioware, talented developer of many well known RPG's such as the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic series, Baulder's Gate, and Jade Empire is creating a role playing game starring Sega's beloved mascot, Sonic the Hedgehog.
This bizarre, unexpected title will appear exclusively on the Nintendo DS. It is set in the Sonic world, and how the combat system will handle at this point is unknown. However, it will be set in the Sonic universe and feature many familiar characters.
Will this translate to a quality role-playing experience, though? Hmmm... while the vast majority of gamers, like me, are highly skeptical of this oddball idea, Bioware has an excellent track record, so you'd have to be a little dim to think that this is going to just be a half-hearted cash-in. At least it's something... unique, right?
Bioware? Wow. That's good news, but, really, who would a Sonic RPG?
I will never play this...
I don't like DS.. and how can Sonic be made into an RPG?
I would play Lost Odyssey... if that counts..?
I'm back, baby......
I'm still not going to play this....
I predict it's going to be absolutely terrible and I'd never call myself a psychic...
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