Stare in Awe At the Games That Broke the Million Mark

Many of the best-selling games deserve their great success, while others sell strictly off of hype or are part of a licensed property. Whatever the case may be, I am going to present you how many games broke the million mark per console and the top selling game for each game console. If you want a more in-depth look at this (alas a very plain one with an over abundance of text) click on the ‘source’ link at the bottom of this page, which was compiled by the good folks over at Wikipedia. Until then, enjoy the article and marvel at the best selling games of all time.
I have arranged them by putting the system first, number of games that broke the million mark, and the top selling game for that console.NES

Top seller: Super Mario Bros. 3 (18 million)
SNES 40 games sold one million copies or more
Top seller: Donkey Kong Country (8.30 million)

Sega Genesis
8 games sold one million copies or more
Top Seller: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (6 million)

Sega Saturn
2 Games Sold one million copies or more
Top Seller: Virtua Fighter 2 (1.7 Million)

57 games sold one million copies or more
Top seller: Gran Turismo (10.5 million)

37 games sold one million or more
Top Seller: Super Mario 64 (11 million)
6 games sold one million copies or more
Top seller: Sonic Adventure (2.5 million)

73 games sold one million copies or more
Top seller: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (13 million)

6 games sold one million copies or more
Top seller: Halo 2 (8 million)

22 games sold 1 million copies or more
Top seller: Super Smash Bros. Melee (6 million)

Xbox 360
10 games sold one million copies or more
Top seller: Gears of War (3.7 million)

(Wii sports and Wii play excluded)
3 games sold one million copies or more
Top seller: Zelda: Twilight Princess (2.6 million)

Playstation 3
1 game sold one million copies or more
Top seller: Resistance: Fall of Man (1 million)

And that should do it. Handheld systems and PC games were not included.
Labels: consoles, Top selling games
the ps2 and vice city was a revelation, innocent ol me woulda guessed ffVii, neither would i have guessed gears of war on the 360, got played it, lost interest....
Elderly, Final Fantasy VII is a PSX game. However I think that Vice City deserves the top spot, it's a great game that I sometimes still revisit just to screw around with it. Never played Gears yet, I'm not willing to risk $60 on it... i'll wait until it becomes a Platinum Hits title or whatever...
wow! that's pretty daminging data for the Saturn and Dreamcast (no I'm not crying I've just got something in my eye...)
Vice City (hmmm...) While my kids loved it (bad parenting I know) I never could get into it.
You mean you lost interest in GEARS before you beat it...???
I at least had a blast thru the first go around... might even pick it up again down the road...
Nice stats Ross! I bet GEARS will get knocked off in time...
Excellent round-up ross, but what about them PC games mate? There're bound to be quite a few hits... Civilization anyone? WoW perhaps?
The problem with PC games is that no one has complied a definitive list of games that broke the million mark, so even if you list the ones that have been found, it would take hours of research to find a real list of all the games that sold over a million.
Thanks for the comments everyone.
I see... definitely a valid point, if there ever was one...
(tattoos ffvii for ps on his arm...) right i won't forget that again.... thaks ross
(puts on dunces hat....)
Gears of War? fraid I did Deitrix, lose interest, though to it's credit i should have spent more time replaying some of the levels to get the hang of the combat system.. never even tried the multiplayer...
Piss Elderly!!!
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