The Crown-Jewel of 3D Fighters Makes Its Way to the Xbox 360

The incredible Virtua Fighter series, which is the crown-jewel in 3D fighting and one of the most legendary game series of all time, will be making its way onto the Xbox 360 this upcoming summer.
Virtua Fighter 5, which was originally announced as a Playstation 3 exclusive, will invade Microsoft’s shiny, spotless white box, and I couldn’t be more excited. I’m not willing to spend the absurd asking price of Sony’s new platform, so I would have been forced out to miss the newest entry in Sega’s remarkable fighting series if not for Sega porting it to the Xbox 360. Unfortunately, Sega is still going on record to say that this game will not feature any time of online play, and with arcades in decline in this country, where will the hardcore fighting crowd go for some competition, considering many of our friends are not into fighters? Maybe Sega will figure something out. Nonetheless, summer 2007 cant come soon enough…
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Ah! Virtua Fighter! A franchise I just love. This was one of the games I loved most on The Saturn.
However my experience of the progression of the series ends with the Dreamcast Virtua Fighter 3Tb... I have never experienced it as VF4 on the PS2. However as there is little chance of a PS3 or 360 entering this house any time soon, this review has inspired me to check out price and availability of VF4 at the Game exchange today!
I'll report back on my PS2 experiences, whilst I leave it to you Ross to report back on the 360 outing after its release...Deal?
Make sure you get Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution, as it's definitely much imrpoved over the standard VF4. And yes, I will report on VF5 once I get ahold of it.
Evolution it is then! Your guidance is much appreciated! Happy New Year! ...and may our correspondence increase in 2007!
Virtua Fighter 4 evolution does rock. I'd go as far as to say it's almost like a sequel to VF 4. They added alotta stuff and the Quest mode shits all over the Kumite mode of VF 4.
I'm pissed that the PAL release didn't include the VF1 anniversary though.
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