Wii Launch Madness

In less than six hours gamers all over the country will be getting their hands on Nintendo’s uber-hot new console, Wii. I’ve been anticipating this launch for months, and this is arguably the most exciting launch since the debut of Nintendo’s first for tray into the 3D realm with the Nintendo 64. I’ll be hitting up the stores in town as soon as midnight strikes, and hopefully I’ll successfully purchase a Wii along with Zelda: Twilight Princess and some other items for the smoking hot new console. In the meantime, I’ll show you what I predict will be the top five best games to get at launch.
(in no particular order, though you can probably guess what would be number one on the list...)

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Really, this one’s a no-brainer. What can be said about this title that hasn’t previously been said before? The Legend of Zelda is among the most legendary game series of all time, and this looks to be another stellar entry in the epic franchise. With a 96% average on Game Rankings, this looks to be this year’s killer app for console gaming – on Wii or otherwise.
Rayman Raving Rabbids

From the series’ glorious debut on the Playstation eleven years ago to the critically acclaimed 3D entries, Rayman 2 and Rayman 3, Rayman has always been a solid game franchise that was never afraid to push new boundaries in the platformer genre. Unfortunately, despite all three entries being massive hits in Europe, the series has never found much commercial success in the States. With the lack of any title starring a pudgy plumber for the Wii launch, however, Rayman might find his way into more homes this holiday season than expected…

DragonBall Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2
Although I’ve never actually sat through an entire episode of Dragon Ball Z I will still admit that I am mildly excited for the release of Budokai Tenkaichi 2. No system launch is complete without a solid fighting game, and the ability to play this one with the Wii-mote combined with over one-hundred characters makes Budokai Tenkaichi 2 seem like a hard title to pass up.
Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam

Despite its shoddy box art, Downhill Jams looks to be one of the better games for the Wii launch. A racing game with accessibility in mind, Downhill Jam could possibly be what SSX was for the PS2 – taking a tried and true genre and completely re-working it, making an instant classic. Alright, maybe it won’t be that revolutionary, but it’s still looking mighty fine. Too bad Downhill Jam won’t be taking advantage of the Wii’s Wi-Fi online capabilities…
Madden NFL 07
Yep, that’s right – Madden. Although hardcore gamers and international readers of this blog will probably swoon (possibly out of anger…) at the sight of it, Madden 07 on the Wii could be the revolutionary make-over this aging series desperately needs.
I'll admit, I'm curious about Madden '07, and Zelda looks beautiful as usual, but as for the Wii itself? I don't have that feeling of excitement that I used to have when a new console launched...party-gimmicks aside, I don't think the Wii is for me. Call me old-fashioned, but I want to sit on my rear and work on increasing my carpal-tunnel syndrome...none of that hopping around like a rabid mime for me :)
Man enjoy that thing! Even tho i don't desire the urge to own one, i'm still hella jealous.
Actually, no need to be jealous, Wedge... I ended up not getting one. The reason is probably obvious... it's sold out everywhere and even to this day I couldent obtain one. However until I finally find one I have many games to keep me busy. I'm currently playing through Tales of Symphonia on the 'Cube right now and it's fantastic so far.
I some how got a hold of one for my son.. Luck! So its going under the tree and I can't wait for Christmas morning... jeeze, listen to me...
So have you found one yet...???
Nah, I bought an Xbox 360 instead after some heavy thinking...
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